quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2007

Nossa vida é a maior história nunca contada

Oi pessoas. Aiai, quanto silêncio... isso que é vida! Bem, bem, o que tenho feito esses dias? Hm, tenho comido muito e traduzido pouco. Basicamente isso... Será que eu tenho mais coisas a dizer?
Ah, bem, ontem assisti Piratas do Caribe 3 com a Chel. A gente queria pegar a primeira sessão, mas não sei, ultimamente o tempo tem passado mais rápido... e como o filme tem 2h40 saímos de lá com o céu escuro já. O filme? Sei lá, tem seus momentos engraçados, mas o romance... nos dois primeiros filmes não tinha sido brega. E a história também ficou muito enrolada, e essa coisa de trilogia que promete um quarto é foda. E, deixemos claro, não aparece a bunda do Johnny Depp.
Hm, esses dias li O homem que confundiu sua mulher com um chapéu. Na verdade é um livro com histórias de pacientes do Sacks, que é um neurologista que escreve bem. Ele é bastante humano, nem parece médico. Para quem se interessa por bizarrices neurológicas, vale a pena.
*\o/ Entrem no flog da Theomnasta!!! \o/*
E encerro o post com... testes!

Your Inner Child Is Sad

You're a very sensitive soul.

You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.
You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.

Your IQ score is 135

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game — to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.
In addition to your strengths in math and linguistics, you have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns. These skills and your uncanny ability to detect the underlying blueprint of most of life's situations add to your Visionary Philosopher mind.Two philosophers who share the same combination of skills you possess are Plato and Benedict Spinoza. Spinoza had insight into how things worked in the world. He could envision a future based on the patterns he saw in life, and used mathematical logic as a structure within which to present his philosophical arguments. With that base he was able to use logic to formulate his theories. Borrowing from his linguistic strengths he wrote eloquent texts and, therefore, was able to bring his philosophical ideas and structure to the rest of the world. His story exemplifies the talents that are present in the Visionary Philosopher intellectual type.
Great Jobs For You:
  • Detective
  • Psychologist
  • Sculptor
  • Architect
  • City planner
  • Chief executive

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Your sense of humor is Sarcasm

What's Your Sense of Humor?

Brought to you by Tickle

3 comentários:

Luciana Omia disse...

NYu os meninos mentiram.....

leorenno disse...

aaparece a bunda????

Anônimo disse...

droga, queria ver a bunda do JD.